Helping exhausted and overwhelmed women to stop getting in your own way and start having the time, headspace, success and happiness you long for.

Do you feel that life is demanding more and more from you and your stress levels are constantly high?
You get one thing ticked off your to - do list for two more to be added. You feel pulled in all directions from work, family and friends and wonder how everyone else is doing it all so successfully whilst you just want to be left alone for a minute's peace.    You've tried green juices, bubble baths and help books but they only touch the tip of the iceberg. You still feel exhausted, overworked and overwhelmed from spinning plates like a professional circus act.

There's a reason the bubble baths and juices don't make lasting change...they don't change your inner dialogue, your self criticism, the higher expectations you hold for yourself than you do for others, your constant people pleasing and pushing your needs to the bottom of the list until everyone else is happy; which let's be honest never happens!

To make lasting change to your life, your energy and your happiness you need to change your thoughts as well as your actions.  Awareness proceeds all change. Coaching with me will help you open your awareness to what's really stopping you from having the life you want and support you in making the changes to get what you desire.

Many people feel it's a lack of time or money that's in their way but that's rarely the case. It's the emotions, beliefs and habits that fuel the overworking and increase your stress levels. It's your inner critic that tells you to people please and procrastinate and your feelings of self worth that make you feel an imposter which makes you work harder and send your happiness to the bottom of the list.

When you make changes to the real reasons behind your stress and overwhelm, then you can start to make changes that are lasting. Changes that are in alignment with the life you want rather than surviving the life you have. Changes that give you headspace to relax and reclaim your happiness.

 Then people will wonder 'How do you do it?'

Create Awareness
Create awareness and understanding of how your thought and behaviour habits are impacting on your life and wellbeing, so you feel less stressed and have more energy.

Befriend Your Inner Critic
Discover what your inner critic is protecting you from.  Learn how to challenge it in a supportive & friendly way so it no longer keeps you playing small.

End People Pleasing
Does saying no leave you wracked with guilt and self doubt? Do other peoples' needs always come before your own? I'll help you learn tools and techniques end the guilt so you can reclaim your time for you.

End Perfectionism & Procrastination
These two are the killers of success! Learn why you're getting in your own way and let me help you break this down into manageable steps to make these two a thing of the past.

Re-frame Limiting Beliefs

Explore your beliefs about yourself and how life should be. Which ones are stopping you from living your best life? Ditch 'I should' for good so you can start getting what you want and what you deserve: time, energy, success and happiness.

Increase Your Confidence

If most days you're not sure who you are anymore or what you want, I'll help you take the steps to re-find you. I'll support you in building the courage and confidence to go out and get what you want so life no longer feels like a survival game.

Increase Your Self-Compassion
'You need to love yourself more.' You've heard it a million times but have no idea how or where to start. Let me support you in developing self-compassion techniques so that you stop striving for perfection and know you're good enough just as you are.

Increase Your Self-Care
With more time and headspace you'll feel able and itching to start taking better care of both your emotional and physical wellbeing  Explore what works for you and that it isn't just bubble baths and green juices. With greater self care you can smash your goals more easily, maintain focus and success.

About Ali

I'm Ali Cutler, an ICF trained coach, mindfulness and meditation teacher. I'm also a secondary school teacher who has worked in education for over 20 years.

I fell in love with coaching and wellbeing after working with a coach myself when I was heading for burnout. What I learned about myself, my beliefs and my habits changed the way I approached everything in my life. I moved from being a chronic over thinker, over worker and people pleaser to being able to say no without the guilt, having clearer boundaries around work and looking after myself as well as I do my loved ones.

I still use these tools and techniques to help keep me focused, aligned with what I want and need and to keep my stress levels low to protect my emotional and physical health.

I am passionate about supporting women who work hard to be the best at all the roles they have in life; women who are tired of working so hard and living so little. Women like you who are ready to get out of their own way and start making real change.  Change that will see you living your life with more energy, more headspace and more success.

Working with Ali...

One to One Coaching
One to one coaching offers bespoke sessions where we work through anything you bring to the session each week.  If you're not sure where to start, don't worry, through my life mapping questionnaire we quickly find areas of focus and then you choose which feel the greatest priority.
One to one coaching delivers the fastest results, the greatest level of personal support from me and gives you complete control over the direction of your coaching.

Group Coaching and Online Courses
I offer a range of self-paced courses.  In these courses I cover the key concepts and areas that frequently appear in my one to one coaching.
All courses have a range of video, written materials and mini workbooks alongside mindset tools and techniques to try and review.
Alongside the self- paced resources you can also join group calls via Zoom which are usually fortnightly.  Here you can gain new insights,  ask any questions, gain additional support and celebrate your wins.

Mindfulness and Meditation Classes & Courses
I offer a range of online and in person mindfulness and meditation courses and classes. Some are general introductions to the practices and others are tailored to those in specific roles such as education and caring roles.  Click on the link below to find about courses.  All classes are listed in the calendar tab at the top of the page.

Free Downloadable Resources

Click below to access a range of free downloadable resources covering coaching and mindfulness.


 I came to Ali suffering from flashbacks relating to domestic abuse. The flashbacks were impacting on my daily life and my ability to form meaningful relationships. After 12 weeks working with Ali I’m no longer living in fear. I understand my flashbacks, why they happen and that I can control them. My self confidence and self esteem have massively improved and others have commented on this too. One of my biggest changes has been around boundaries. I never realised I had poor boundaries before. Ali has a way of explaining things so they make sense and the tools she shares are easy to apply.
  I like being me now. I’ve never liked being me before.

1 to 1 coaching 12 week programme

 I am a mother of four children. I own and rent out properties.  Working with Ali has been  invaluable.  She came at a time where I really needed support.  She has been life changing at a time that I couldn't see my way through my difficulties.  Apart from simply enjoying chatting each week to lovely Ali, just learning techniques to be able to deal with my problems.  Learning how to release and let things go, heal and love myself has been amazing.

1  to  1 coaching after 12 weeks.

 Ali's CPD mindset training was just what I needed and the timing couldn't have been better.  She really helped me see that I was stuck in a pattern of always starting with the worse case scenario and working backwards from there.  Ali helped me understand that there is a lot more going on beneath the surface and that I had my own 'go to' negative thoughts embedded in my working mindset. For me these were very much 'I will never get this all done' and 'I won't be good enough. Starting with small steps I've started questioning my established patterns of thinking...I became better at prioritising and not sabotaging. I also found the idea of the unconscious mind really helpful in understanding how we become stuck in our ways. It was great; nurturing but also practical and applicable. It was fantastic to have a focus on how to do things better in a more mindful way, rather than to do more.  I cannot recommend her highly enough.  I feel more positive and more productive. Win win!

Secondary School CPD sessions

I had been suffering from long standing bouts of guilt, low self-esteem, anxiety & avoidance.  I felt lost at the time, I had no expectations as I didn’t know what was going on in my own head, however I hoped that by working with Ali, it would allow me the opportunity to find myself again.  
I was not looking forward to the first session, as I felt I didn’t know where to start and I knew that I would be talking about things that were hurtful, however, after the initial session, I then looked forward to each further session and it became a pleasure to have Ali by my side and her support.
After my sessions I felt a lot lighter, like a weight had been taken from me, I started to have feelings of self-worth, which I had not felt for a very long time, my anxiety reduced and I found myself enjoying things and looking forward to things, whereas, before the sessions I avoided situations as it was easier than dealing with the anxiety & guilt.  My mindset and general outlook on things were so different, I was able to just be present instead of feeling like my mind was running but never reaching the final destination.

10 sessions of 1 to 1 coaching.

I was experiencing work-related stress and had taken some time off work. I felt that my usual strategies for coping with stress were not working. I was feeling quite unhappy, unwell and unsatisfied.
Talking to Ali felt very relaxed, natural and easy. I found each session very valuable. Every session I came away with new thoughts, perspectives and ideas. I looked forward to bringing things to discuss with Ali the following week.  She always knew how to guide me into digging deeper, finding out what was causing the feelings and emotional responses underneath.

Ali’s coaching sessions have been invaluable.  I am braver, have more self-awareness and have a clearer, calmer and more focused perspective on managing daily stressors. Sessions with Ali have been thought-provoking and encouraging. I am more open to discovering alternative paths. I am more mindful of my thoughts and actions, and I am more understanding of my own emotions.

6 week 1 to 1 coaching

Following a really distressing experience at work, I met Ali, she had spoken with me about coaching and its potential. My confidence was nil and I felt as though I had no control over my life, I was just going through the motions. Something needed to change  to get back to being myself.
How have things changed?  Physically I have stopped having anxiety attacks and stopped taking the meds. Emotionally I feel calmer and more robust. Friends have commented that I now have got my old self back, plus I don’t cry every day anymore! 
And it has given me “space” to think about some of the things I want from my life, rather than just existing.  Most significantly I have changed my job, I’ve taken on a new role to start in Jan with Ali’s encouragement and realised what had happened in the past does not dictate the person I am.  I’ve realised that I need to make changes in my life to make myself happy - not to rely on others. I might not achieve them, but using the strategies if I am at least trying, I won’t be letting the fear hold me back.

Group coaching  course